Analysis of 28 Days of Data Scraped From a Revenge Pornography Website.

All of my data has been collected and subjected to very simple analysis.  To recap, data was scraped from a revenge pornography Website every hour for 28 days.  The site identified accepted submissions depicting both male and female subjects.  The home-made pornographic material is displayed on the Website without the consent of the person depicted within it.

In my study I use “post” to describe the original posting to the revenge pornography Website submitted by the uploader.  This contains details about the person depicted, including geographical details, name and age.  There is also some detail about why the uploader is posting the material.  This is followed by the images or video.

Posts are then viewed and commented on.

Here is a summary of the data collected.

Day Number of Posts Male Female Current Removed
1 22 1 21 15 7
2 16 1 15 12 4
3 11 0 11 8 3
4 19 1 18 15 4
5 11 0 11 10 1
6 0 0 0 0 0
7 25 0 25 20 5
8 14 1 13 10 4
9 29 1 28 18 11
10 6 0 6 5 1
11 9 1 8 8 1
12 24 4 20 13 11
13 2 0 2 1 1
14 28 0 28 14 14
15 12 1 11 9 3
16 17 1 16 12 5
17 10 0 10 6 4
18 12 1 11 9 3
19 0 0 0 0 0
20 15 0 15 12 3
21 36 2 34 25 11
22 13 0 13 11 2
23 10 0 10 7 3
24 13 0 13 8 5
25 10 0 10 10 0
26 10 0 10 6 4
27 14 3 11 6 8
28 8 0 8 0 8
Totals 396 18 378 270 126

In total there were 396 posts to the Website over 28 days.

18 of these had men depicted in the posts and 378 had women depicted as the subject of the post.

270 posts stayed current for 672 hours (28 days).  126 were removed before the 672 hours finished.

There were 2 days when there were no posts to the Website.

Below the same data is presented in graphical format in order to make it easier to visualise.

Chart 1The above chart is pretty self-explanatory, showing how many posts were made on each day over a 28 day period.

Chart 3

Above we can see the posts that remained current and those that were removed grouped by the day they were posted.  68% of posts remained current throughout the data collection and 32% were removed before the 672 hours concluded.

Chart 2

The above chart shows the gender difference of the people depicted in the posts grouped by the day the post went live.  It is obvious from this chart that more women than men were posted the to the revenge pornography Website.  In fact, 95% of the posts showed women, with only 5% showing men.

Not only is there a  gender bias in the subject of the person depicted in the post, but there is also a gender bias in the number of views the post receives.

Chart 4

This chart shows the number of views each post receives if the person depicted in it is male and where the post remained current for the whole 28 days.

Chart 5

This chart shows the number of views each post receives if the person depicted in it is female and where the post remained current for the whole 28 days.

Chart 6

The data has been amalgamated into the above chart where it can be seen that there is a slight crossover between the highest viewed male and lowest viewed female.

Below are the messy graphs.  The first one shows the cumulative number of views each post that remains current receives over the 672 hours for female subjects.  From the graph you can see that the highest number of views happen early on in the 672 hours.

Chart 7

The second graph is easier to read and shows the cumulative number of views each post that remains current receives over the 672 hours for male subjects.  Similar to the above graph, you can see that the highest number of views happen early on in the 672 hours.

Chart 8

The next two graphs show the discrete views each post receives every hour.  The first graph shows the female posts and the second graph shows the male posts.  Both show that the greatest number of views happen early on in the life span of the post.

Chart 9 Chart 10

This stage has been useful in getting to know my data and identifying trends in the data.  I will next be trying out some simple statistical techniques in order to understand the community that surrounds a revenge pornography Website.

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